Congratulations for having taken your self-assessment and have got to know your Inner Mind Map. After the first step of Self-Awareness you have now paved the way for the second step. After knowing how you think, it is time to take charge of your mind and make your life the way you would want it to be. The first step in self-awareness has brought about an understanding on the areas you may have had challenges with, and its effect on your ability to deal with the challenges in life. With this awareness you can make a self-diagnosis about who you are. Having understood the way your mind has been configured, it’s now time to rethink about how this awareness can now make you alter the way you are (your predisposition). It is now time to practice how to rewire Your Inner Mind Map and maintain harmony between the way you are (i.e. your Inner Self) and the way you show yourself (your Outer Self). We are now going to travel into inner core self and practice how to internally process your thoughts to get more clarity. Also we will look at how you need to express yourself, which is the way you try to give a good impression about yourself. We will follow a ten step approach. Are you ready?
The Self-Mastery and Growth Modules aim to strengthen, modify, rewire human behaviour and thereby integrate one’s thoughts emotions and actions. It helps in understanding behavioural challenges and paving the way to overcome and realign oneself. The Self-Mastery and Growth Modules offers pathways to growth and development of a person on various behavioural parameters.