Decodes the human personality through the language of Fingerprints
Leads the way to understanding human behaviour
Discovers the science of Individuality
Connects genetics to the mind for a deeper understanding of self
Makes Self Awareness accesible to everyone
Fingerprints is a bridge between Genetics and Psychology
Reshapes how we Perceive Psychology Universally
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The Biometric Personality Assessment Tool is based on the science of Dermatoglyphics which is a 200-year-old intensively researched subject. Derma means skin and glyphic refers to the study of ridges on the fingers. When you are born, your brain is developed and so is your fingerprint. Once you are born your brain and your fingerprint don’t change. The fingerprint is thus an index of your mind. The fingerprint also reveals the software of your brain. Hence this brain analysis is a once-in-a-lifetime analysis. It is an index for understanding your operating system or your program for life. It can be said to be your automatic instinctive way of thinking, feeling, and doing.
It takes a lifetime of experience to develop a strength that one doesn’t possess. Understanding the brain design helps one understand who one is rather than trying to become who one cannot be. You need to take care to understand the depth of the analysis. Your strengths which you take for granted need to be developed while your weaknesses on which you overwork on, can be avoided.
In life how you internally process information based on the brain design is called experience. Experience helps in learning. It helps you evolve into a wiser and more mature individual or into one who is depressed and negative.
This analysis is thus an indicator of your core innate potential that forms the base of an individual. It is the program of your mind. It is your Unique Brain Design.
To understand yourself better your analysis is done on six parameters to help you understand how your mind receives, interprets, and functions.
Your Dominant Personality and its corresponding traits in you. This can be observed by identifying the fingerprint patterns on your fingers.
Your Neural processing speed triggers you and affects your reaction speed. This is calculated by the total ridges counted on all ten fingers on your hand.
Your approach and style of a situation can be either logical or creative. This is calculated by comparing the total ridge count on both hands separately.
Your ability to function by being either proactive or retroactive. This is calculated by comparing the ridge count on the two index fingers versus the ridge count on the two thumbs.
To understand your holistic ability to process information and how your mental processes receive information as input, how your brain then processes that information and thereby gets to action based on it. This is calculated by calculating the ridges on the 5 types of fingers.
Finally, your skills and potential along with your areas of challenge can be understood by calculating the ridge count on each finger individually. Each finger is connected to one area of psychological functioning. The greater the ridge count on a finger greater is the strength of that area of functioning.
The biometric assessment is used as a tool in the KNOW YOUR BRAIN DESIGN THEORY as the analysis of the fingerprint pattern and ridge count on all ten fingers. Your brain design analysis can be understood through fingerprint analysis called the biometric assessment. This is analyzed by studying three major aspects.
Each fingerprint pattern is associated with a typical personality type and displays specific behavior traits associated with that type. The first step in the analysis of your brain design is to identify all the patterns on all ten fingers. Typical personality traits and behavior patterns which are so exclusive and true to you can be understood based on your fingerprint patterns alone.
Looking at each of the patterns in minute detail can help identify the centremost point called the core and the triangular divergent points called the delta in each of the fingerprint patterns. The ridges on each of your fingerprint patterns denote the neural processing speed and your mental processing ability. The greater the ridges greater the speed of thought, the lower the ridge counts slower the speed of your thought.
The image of each fingerprint pattern is captured and calculated carefully. The ridge count is calculated, and the ridges from the delta to the core are noted it in a tabular format. The third aspect refers to the understanding of the pattern and the ridges on each of the corresponding fingers. This is because each finger is said to be associated and connected to specific parts of the brain and thereby influences those specific areas of your thoughts, feeling, and actions.
Understanding yourself is the first step toward personal growth and meaningful change. Brain Design offers you an in-depth analysis of:
Understanding yourself is the first step toward personal growth and meaningful change. Brain Design offers you an in-depth analysis of:
To understand the power of fingerprints can be traced back to the development of the child in the womb. This amazing design of fingerprints is initiated in the mother’s womb around the thirteenth to the nineteenth week of pregnancy. At this stage of development, there can also be seen a unique complex connection of the brain with all the neural connections throughout the body but was especially noteworthy where it is seen in the development of the volar pads of the fingers. This connection between the fingers and the brain has far-reaching effects on later stages of development once a child is born. This can be said to be the manufacturing unit of a human being who is shaped by DNA. The fingerprints are generated by the vibrations produced in the womb which are triggered by the mother’s thoughts. Research also showed that the mother’s thoughts have the power to change the genetic endowment of the child too. Thus we can conclude that the child’s personality is designed in the womb. It also helps us understand the power of the mother as a creator during pregnancy.
The implication of studies in various sciences shows the importance of the information about fingerprints having the power to change the world. The applications of this science can be powerful when applied to working towards the functioning of behavior too. It is powerful in shaping the lives of people, especially when focussing on the psychological application of fingerprints. This study can quantify the potential of every human being by getting information from the ten fingers and giving us a powerful insight into the working and functioning of a brain.
The fingerprints clearly showed the genetic endowment of the child from both the parents and grandparents. There was also a new evolutionary factor that can be seen to influence the child’s brain development. This chance factor is that of the mother’s thoughts during the pregnancy term, which is also a major determining parameter for the evolution of fingerprints and brain development. Thus the theory of Dermatoglyphics has paved the way for quick intervention and counseling through a simple biometric assessment.
Our aim is to help you understand the complexities of your brain and how it works, as well as to provide you with hands-on experience in understanding your own unique brain design. We have created a few videos and tutorials to guide you through the program on your own. We will also share important knowledge and a few experiences with you in order to enable you to become a master at understanding yourself and establishing self-control and thereby designing strategies for your own success.
Throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to practice yourself in a step-by-step phased manner. We encourage you to take full advantage of this opportunity to learn from this simply designed easy-to-use course and develop expertise in understanding how your uniquely configured brain is designed.
The Brain Design Training Program is an innovative self-learning experience designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful at understanding their own complex brain designs which influence certain behavior patterns in themselves. This program is designed for individuals who are interested in the workings of their own brain and want to learn how to understand, design and optimize their own behavior.
We understand that embarking on a new learning journey can be challenging, but our training tutorial is committed to supporting you every step of the way. We are excited to have you join us on this journey of self-discovery and growth. We look forward to seeing the amazing things that you will achieve through the Brain Design Training Program. Once again, welcome to the program! Let’s get started on this exciting journey together.