An individual is a combination of traits from both parents and thus the product of genetic endowment. This genetic endowment begins with the conception of a potential and then this potential is nurtured all through the nine months of natal development right up to child birth. Once born into this world, the individual is born with a configured uniquely potentiality that predisposes one to perceive life in one’s own way. This is termed as ‘Inner Mind Map” by the founders Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi PhD and Dr. Kotra Krishna Mohan. The unique Inner Mind Map Model has been demystified through extensive research by the founders. Mind Avenues has thus evolved to make this concept available which enables transformation in understanding of oneself and in its application to life which would make life all the more productive, meaningful and enjoyable.
Life is about understanding oneself. Our journey is about understanding ourselves and mastering the environment in this short span called a lifetime. Our life revolves around understanding oneself and others around us. We soon understand each one of us have our different perspectives, our own style and our individual approach. We thereby have self-images and expectations of ourselves and we also have images and expectations from others. These expectations of leave us discontented because we can neither control our own thoughts nor can we control others. This affects our mental health.
The Inner Mind Map Model helps one understand one’s true core nature and also gives clarity regarding the potentials and challenges that one is naturally endowed with. With developing awareness of oneself, training of oneself, one can work on the challenges within oneself, and alter our thoughts in the right manner, thereby making ourselves stronger and more capable.
We all face psychological, behavioural and mental health challenges in life and are constantly in search of remedies and quick fixes for the issues we face. Mind Avenues is a professional service organization with technology driven platform to help understand oneself and find ways and means to resolve issues encountered, and develop oneself to be a more positive, stronger and happy person.
Very few segments of the population actually express the challenges they face in life and keep it private. Many individuals experience issues but prefer to struggle within themselves. A few individuals may approach professional for help but a majority prefer using their own internal resources like contemplation, analysis, survey, search engines etc to cope and overcome the issues and to find solutions. A major group of population by and large use personal or social reserves to encounter small challenges. This leads to disturbances and emotional imbalance.
The inner mind map model launched by Mind Avenues aims to fulfil the demands and needs of that huge chunk of normal segment of the population to focus on ways and means to get strength rather than be weakened by way of hurdles experienced in life. Mind Avenues systematic assessment looks for ways to understand the gaps within ourselves and work on pathways to growth. This model is a self-directed approach that leads one step by step and offers simple, easy, and accessible support for positive inner growth. Experienced professional experts through technology support have designed this unique Psychological Transformative Service, which is one of a kind self-directed approach which makes the program individualised action plan and also maintaining a confidential approach.
Inner Mind Map model helps people look within and find purpose in life based on one’s inner true self. We at Mind Avenues believe that the Inner Mind Map is a way of thinking that leads to realize ones potentials, self mastery and lead to happiness. In order to experience contentment and happiness one needs to understand one’s true inner self. It is only then that one can understand one’s own perspective to life, and pave ways to experience contentment and happiness. The Inner Mind Map assesses one’s genetic endowment and how to utilise this knowledge to connect oneself to the path to happiness. The Mind Avenues modules are designed in a structured step by step sequential manner to help to solve psychological, behavioural and mental problems, gain clarity of Mind and meaning of one’s own journey in life.