Mind Avenues

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Mind Avenues focus on the Greatness of Will Power

January 27, 2025/

Will power is the knowledge; ability or skill we learn to create within ourselves in order to succeed in accomplishing a task which is required to be mastered. When we use our inner strength and capability we can accomplish whatever we set out to achieve. This is our power. But…

Catalyst Professional Psychological Counsellors of Mind Avenues

January 27, 2025/

Counselling Perspectives Mind Avenues as a Psychological Health, Wellness and Growth initiative offers an individualised psychological well-being and self-growth services which follows a system and protocols. In the universal field of mental health, it is observed that a client exists in a state of disequilibrium and unrest. A client approaches…


January 27, 2025/

Human behaviour and mental processes has always been the subject of intense curiosity and the complexity makes even challenging to understand and analyse. The need to understand the human mind to understand the way a person behaves and think, how emotions are displayed, how individuals are motivated to accomplish difficult…

The Philosophy of Mind Avenues

January 27, 2025/

Man has been in existence since time immemorial and the one common phenomenon we can see is that man has survived overtime. The technique that each individual uses to survive may be unique just a person is designed uniquely. Hence we can conclude that man has been created to survive…


January 27, 2025/

Mind Avenues is unique in its approach in understanding psychological wellness, human potential and happiness. The founders have evolved their own approach and formula to understand the dynamics of brain behaviour interaction and the psychology of a person. Their intense research and professional experience has reiterated the influence of genes…


January 27, 2025/

An individual is a combination of traits from both parents and thus the product of genetic endowment. This genetic endowment begins with the conception of a potential and then this potential is nurtured all through the nine months of natal development right up to child birth. Once born into this…


January 27, 2025/

OUR COMMITMENT We at Mind Avenues Potential Systems are a team of passionate qualified experienced mental health professionals who have joined hands for access to mental health resources and the good of mankind. We respect and understand that every individual is uniquely configured and has innate potential. We strongly believe…

Exploring the Avenues of the Mind.

January 27, 2025/

The human mind unique as well as an enigma. Experts have attempted to understand this complex functioning of the unique mind, over the years. Though there has been a consensus on various topics of importance, there has also been discrepancies in viewpoints and approaches which has given rise to the…


January 27, 2025/

Every brain is designed and configured when one is born in a unique manner. This inner configuration is called the Inner Mind Map. This Inner Mind Map configuration influences a person’s mental makeup and reveal the potentials and challenges in a person’s functioning. Man is designed differently on the inside…


January 27, 2025/

Mind Avenues Potential Systems Private Limited Mind Avenues Potential Systems is a Private limited company co-founded by DrDamera Vijayalakshmi and Dr Kotra Krishna Mohan, committed to focus on providing quality mental health services by way of assessments, interventions and solutions, along with growth oriented psychological services, equipped with strategies aligned…

About Us

Luckily friends do ashamed to do suppose. Tried meant mr smile so. Exquisite behaviour as to middleton perfectly. Chicken no wishing waiting am. Say concerns dwelling graceful.


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She wholly fat who window extent either formal. Removing welcomed.

Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi

helps build confidence, shows YOU how to come out of your shell and be bold enough to make YOU have what YOU want. 

Mind Avenues

Inner Mind Map Assessment

Self Mastery Module

© 2025 Created by Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi. All rights reserved