Human behaviour and mental processes has always been the subject of intense curiosity and the complexity makes even challenging to understand and analyse. The need to understand the human mind to understand the way a person behaves and think, how emotions are displayed, how individuals are motivated to accomplish difficult tasks, how people conform to expectations, how they at time oppose others opinions and orders, how some are submissive while others are rebellious and the individual differences seen in various facets of life has always been an enigma. Over hundreds of years behavioural scientists have intensely researched and have come out with several theories of their own about behaviour and mind. They have propounded several theories with different perspectives on human behaviour, yet there are gaps. The purpose behind understanding and analysing human behaviour and mental process is in predicting and controlling human behaviour. Thus the study of Psychology can be said to be, a scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes, thereby bringing about a deeper understanding of the human mind and its enormous potentials, differences and uniqueness. With this deeper understanding it could aid in being able to precisely predict, control and change human behaviour.

The study of human behaviour is the way a person behaves in society which is a result of how they think, comprehend and understand the world and react. The individual human behaviour is a result of the internal mental process that goes on in the inside the mind of a person. The internal mental processes are activated by the stimulation through sensation, attention, perception, cognitive processes which then results in the expression of behaviour. Though these are internal mental processes designed commonly for every individual yet each person has a unique internal mental processing style. This different mental processing styles can be said to be the predispositions or inherent abilities of a person. Every person’s predisposition or inherent abilities has a unique inner configuration which is influenced by the genetic endowment received by both parents. This configuration varies not just by the genetic endowment but also by the child experiences in the environment in the womb which influences and thereby impacts the predisposition or inherent abilities. The child thus born possesses a configuration and a predisposition or inherent abilities which is called the Inner Mind Map. Every person looks at the world based on this configuration of the Inner Mind Map and that is the main reason why each person perceives differently.

This we strongly believe that Psychology is the study of this Inner Mind Map (IMM) and not just observable behaviour only which influences the unique way a person thinks, feels and acts. We strongly advocate that Behaviour can thus be understood better by understanding this IMM.

The Inner Mind Map displays the capacity and potential of a person by way of

The Biological Capacity and Potential: The innate biological capacity is influenced by the neural predisposition or inherent abilities, which is determined by genes and the experiences of the child in the womb. This neural capacity and potential also impacts the predisposition of a person’s receptivity to sensation and thereby impacts perception of the world.

The Cognitive Capacity and Potential: The intellectual and analytical ability of a person and the way a person thinks, learns, remembers, forgets, uses language and integrates information with intellect and creativity in daily life.

The Emotional Capacity and Potential: The personality traits, the attitude and style of behaviour, the interest one has, the emotions that are activated, the motives and behind actions in daily life.

The Social Capacity and Potential: The way in which a person socialises and maintains relationships, how one adjusts to the people and environment around them, the coping and defence mechanisms used and the mind-sets and prejudice’s which makes people discriminate in daily life.

The Moral Capacity and Potential: The way a person perceives what is good and bad, what are ethical boundaries, the value systems in daily life.
The Behavioural Capacity and Potential: The way a person displays their inherent potential to be driven by ambition, the ability to move towards a goal with focus and achieve a task in daily life.

The Inner Mind Map is thus the innate instinctive neural configuration which makes a person function in a different and unique style. The behaviour is to a great extent automatic based on the predisposition or inherent abilities to receive sensation which thereby influences the perception. These perceptions make a person have unique experiences which also influence interests in life. This process influences cognition and controls the way we think and act. Every perception is associated with an emotion and this controls the way we feel. Learning, memory and language are all influenced by the way we think and feel. A person’s thoughts feelings and actions are to a great extent thus controlled by the IMM.

The IMM reflects the potentials and capacities of a person. It can be considered to be the genetic gift of life but the challenge lies in how this IMM deals with the real world around. Situations and circumstances can be empowering and facilitating or it can be opposing and challenging in daily life. This serves as a red carpet or block to the effective functioning of a person’s potential in daily life.

Man is thus an embodiment of one’s own Inner Mind Map and the environmental triggers. Having potential for growth and happiness and the inability to express it or not having the potential and feeling incapable, triggered by others to behave in opposition to one’s nature, all cause dissatisfaction, unhappiness and stress in daily life.

Becoming aware of one’s potential and one’s likes and dislikes, getting clarity about what one wants is crucial in facing life. Once a person is clear and decides what to do, there is no looking back because he can make great progress in getting what he wants. This is called willpower. Willpower is the ability to desire something and to persist and persevere till the task is accomplished. The levels of will power an individual have depends on the genetic Inner Mind Map and the existing social environment one lives.

The power and expression of human behaviour depends on the internal configuration or inherent abilities of the Inner Mind Map which should be in harmony with the external world. Mental Health can be effectively harmonised when the inner configuration or inherent abilities is made to coordinate with the external situations in life. The three stage process for the effectively harmonising the mental health in daily life using Inner Mind Map include, Self-awareness of the Inner Mind Map, Self-realisation which is the understanding that the challenge lies within ourselves and finally Self-transformation happens only when the Inner Mind Map is rewired and developed. This three stage process make individual to experience the life with happiness, realize potentials and achieve peace of mind.

Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi

helps build confidence, shows YOU how to come out of your shell and be bold enough to make YOU have what YOU want. 

Mind Avenues

Inner Mind Map Assessment

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