The importance of knowing every stage of life.

The knowledge of this science of Dermatoglyphics and other substantial sciences that talk about the power of fingerprints, give us rich knowledge about every human brain. With this knowledge, it can be used in any sphere of life. If happiness is the goal for many, then understanding oneself through fingerprint analysis will pave the way for a quicker self-assessment.

We know that happiness is not a constant state of life but changes its meaning as a person moves through each stage of life.  When we observe life we can see that life can be seen to flow in the following clearly demarcated phases. For a person to be happy we need to understand the brain design and also look at it from the perspective of the stage of life that they are in. To understand the state of happiness of a person we need to apply the knowledge of the psychology of fingerprints based on the stage of life being experienced. Let us explore each one in detail.

The beginning of the design

We all know that life starts when an embryo is conceived in the womb. The nine-month period is a period of crucial growth and development of a person. The development of the fingerprints and the brain happen simultaneously along with all other physiological changes. If fingerprints are a glimpse into the brain program it can be said that the person’s life is in the process of being designed. The child in the womb is helpless as it is influenced first by the genetic endowment second by the embryotic development process and third by the mother’s thoughts (her experiences) and her physical and mental health when in the womb. Both genes and environment thus play an important role in child development even when in the womb. This is because the environment is not calculated from the time of birth but from the time of conception. The child is thus programmed physiologically and psychologically long before birth. The child which is born is thus designed in a unique manner that leaves a lifetime brand on him for life.

By understanding the psychology of fingerprints we must naturally be aware of the implication of the expectant mother. Since she plays a crucial role in the development of her child she has to be responsible in maintaining not just her physical but also psychological health. Positive feelings produce happy children and hence it’s also the role of the entire family to keep a prospective mother happy at all times.

Entering the real world

Once the child is released from the womb then he/she is on his/her own to fend for themselves. The innocent parents do not understand that the child has its own unique demands based on the inborn program.  The parents fail to understand the child who is unable to express what he craves for. So from when the child is born he/she exhibits this unique design which can be observed right from the cradle. But since even own parents are not aware of the already programmed design they attribute the behaviour of the child to generic child behaviour. Many people are under the impression that the child is an empty slate and can be moulded to become what he is trained to be. This is not so. The child has a pre-existing design and will behave only in the manner that he or she is designed to behave. That is why we see happy kids, cranky kids, irritable kids, calm kids etc.

Knowledge about the psychology of fingerprints helps understand the different natured children who exhibit unique and generic ways of behaviour. The knowledge of the science of fingerprint analysis paves the way to use the right parenting strategies for each of their children as we understand that each child is unique. The fingerprint thus paves the way in understanding each child’s configuration right from the time of birth.

Tender Loving Care

The shaping of the child at a tender age is also crucial.  It is hence very essential that this brain design is understood to facilitate optimal growth and development rather than to work against it and make the child not only unhappy but also a danger to society. Parenting thus plays a crucial role in nurturing each unique child based on their inherent traits rather than as per the expectations and whims and fancies of the parents or society. If only parents could understand the child’s program, then only can they create an environment to nurture the potentialities and make them successful based on inherent traits and not based on parental expectations.

Generally, in parenting we also see a peculiar but common behaviour pattern in families. When the marital partners do not get along amicably and when spouses see the same traits of behaviour of their partners in one of their children they transfer that anger and irritation on those children too and start the blame game.  In parenting we already are aware that being positive and encouraging is a generic term but dealing with them specifically based on the brain program will yield better results. Fingerprint analysis is thus a powerful pathway to understand ways and means to deal with children through parenting.

Opening avenues of Thinking

The phase of childhood and teenage is one of getting knowledge and developing academic skills. The style of study and study habits and patterns are also influenced by the brain process which is revealed through the fingerprint analysis also reveals that the child has certain blind spots in learning and thus more clarity as to the challenges he or she is encountering.

Also, the educational choice is a major turning point in their life. Hence its of vital importance to choose the right educational stream based on the innate abilities of the student through fingerprint analysis. The right academic stream must be based on the choice of the student but can be influenced and directed by the analysis of the fingerprints.

Developing Identity:
Consolidation of the self

As a child grows up through life they face many pleasant and unpleasant situations. It is very important to observe the child because what behaviour is exhibited may not be what is emotionally felt within. What happens inside is more important in mental health than the external behaviour that the child exhibits. Because each child focuses on pleasing others and so behaves in accordance to society and social etiquette and keeps his true nature hidden well within himself. 

The child grows up in different situations based on their own unique instinctive ways of reactions to life.  Every reaction or response given by the child is instinctive as they are unaware of the reason behind their spontaneous behaviour. They try to control themselves. There are even situations where children work hard at controlling themselves but in vain.

The identity of a person can be developed based on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of their own feelings. They are shaped and individualised based on the love given to them or the hurt inflicted on them by others. Anyways the child grows into an adult with a reservoir of experiences both positive and negative which shapes his attitude to life. Overall all the experiences in the life of the growing years of the child shape the already existing programmed personality within him/her. This shapes their vision of the world, thereby shapes their identity too.

 This is where the role of fingerprint analysis is very vital in the development of a strong identity. Parents should understand that discipline should be given at the earlier years of life but at this stage of adolescence the child should be allowed to explore options and this is actually the testing ground for them to see if their moral instruction in earlier days was really internalised by the child. If the parents are already aware of the child’s nature at birth through this analysis, then the parent can train in earlier years and test out the behaviour at a later stage. By making an individual strong with his identity is the wealth given to a child. He doesn’t need to be given fish, rather he needs to be taught how to fish. Similarly, if the identity is well developed the child can be successful in life and no amount of education or lack of it will affect him. This can be assessed in the form of soft skills that a child exhibits. The knowledge of the fingerprint analysis will give insights into ways and means of positive and negative shaping of the child’s identity. Fostering the right environment and saying the right words shape the person to reach greater heights.

Independence to maturity

As a person grows up and transits through the different stages of early development, he then enters a phase of consolidation and independence. A consolidation of all experiences till adolescence makes the person now have a perspective towards life. These perspectives can be positive or negative. If there is a dominance of unpleasant experience to the challenges they face, they develop a helpless attitude. In the same way if they are faced with many pleasant situations and experience more happiness they develop an attitude of satisfaction and self-control. Adulthood is also influenced by two other major stages which happen in this phase itself. One career and the second is marriage.

The path of Achievement

The first and foremost step in life to reveal the entry into adulthood is the procurement of a job or the starting of a business. This shows that the person is mature enough to fend for himself. This is also an insecure stage because of the fear of failure or success. Some people are self-driven while some are monitored by their parents still. How a person faces these challenges and comes out victorious is essential. To transit this phase smoothly it is essential thus to know more about their innate capabilities to restructure their strategies based on one’s innate capabilities and weaknesses. The fingerprint analysis thus is a powerful indicator of the abilities a person possesses to face his responsibilities and come out victorious.

The life of Togetherness

The first settlement into a job makes parents feel that it’s time to completely settle their children independently. So it’s a natural step to get them married. This is considered an essential and natural flow of events. But this is also a stage of turmoil because before the individual I sable to understand himself he is now faced with the responsibility of not just himself but also that of the spouse. Couple compatibility is a challenge in today’s world based on differences in lifestyles, attitude and personality types. Settling into a job and settling into the marriage are both major challenges in this stage of life.

The fingerprint assessment helps to understand each individual personality with the strengths and weaknesses along with that of the spouse. The knowledge of both brains helps us to understand specifically where the challenges exist as well the role responsibility of both partners based on their innate abilities.

Middle age Philosopher:
The Empty Nest

As couples approach middle age they most often feel empty because the purpose of life i.e. fending for the family, looking after children, and feeling a sense of responsibility in their upbringing is no more relevant. The children have grown up and no longer are dependent on them. They also have a desire for freedom and self-decision-making. This makes most parents feel left out. Those who are professionals immersed in their work but there are those who most commonly feel depressed because of the feeling that there is no meaning in life. this is termed as the empty nest. Every adult goes through these various experiences of challenges and achievements which are experienced in their lifetime. Thus when they come to middle age then the philosopher in them emanates. They question the way of life and the challenges in it.  Many people attempt to control life. Some are successful but some are helpless and land up being victims. These realizations and experiences shape their perceptions of life. When these people are analyzed through the fingerprints they get an insight into the reason why they were so caught up in family life and why they feel alienated in the present scenario. With this understanding also comes realizations that paves the way for their transformation and entry into another phase of life.

Old Age:
The Fulfilment of life

Old age is a period of being a spectator, a dependent, and an obedient parent. The power of all their earlier days diminishes and hence they are at the mercy of their children. This makes them at liberty of the whims and fancies of their children who play a dominant role in their lives. During this time of consolidation, they are also drawing a meaning of their life struggles. When we understand the psychology of their fingerprints can help us to draw meaningful conclusions about their journey in life rather than draw negative inferences about their past achievements. Since old age is a time of retrospection it is also a time for the “I wish…” attitude. Hence enabling the aged to taste the flavour of their life analysis through the mirror of their brain analysis and understanding the psychology of their fingerprints can make them be more at peace with themselves.

Spiritual Path:
The Realisation of life

Old age is a period of being a spectator, a dependent, and an obedient parent. The power of all their earlier days diminishes and hence they are at the mercy of their children. This makes them at liberty of the whims and fancies of their children who play a dominant role in their lives. During this time of consolidation, they are also drawing a meaning of their life struggles. When we understand the psychology of their fingerprints can help us to draw meaningful conclusions about their journey in life rather than draw negative inferences about their past achievements. Since old age is a time of retrospection it is also a time for the “I wish…” attitude. Hence enabling the aged to taste the flavour of their life analysis through the mirror of their brain analysis and understanding the psychology of their fingerprints can make them be more at peace with themselves.

Developing Identity: Consolidation of the self

People go through several paths in life. Some try to understand, some try to control, some people accept God while some just blame, some meet success while some meet failure, some feel victimized but only a few move towards the divine path.  A few start their devotional path seeking answers. Life goes on till the last breath with either a belief in god or disbelief in Him. Understanding their brain patterns by looking at their fingerprints will give the family an insight into why the person old is grumpy, unhappy, critical, fault-finding, satisfied, etc. For all transitions through these stages can be an ordeal while for some it could be smooth sailing. Whatever may be the nature of their adventure through life it will be beneficial for them to analyze each stage in detail so that the meaning of their existence can be reaffirmed and make them move in a positive and productive path.

Thus the psychology of the fingerprint and the knowledge about the human brain and how it functions is a powerful tool in the hands of the parents and the person himself when he is mature enough to handle the knowledge. Knowing that when a person is born the brain is developed and so is the fingerprint. Knowing the brain and fingerprint don’t change after birth. Knowing the fingerprint is thus an index of the brain. Hence knowing and understanding the once in a life time brain program is also crucial for Happiness in life. It is said to be ones’ operating system or the brain program for life. It can be said to be the instinctive way a person thinks, feels, and acts.

When a child is born a platter of experiences needs to be given to the child based on his unique program so that the child’s strength can be understood and developed easily. Similarly it is also important to have the knowledge that it’s futile to try to become what we can never be. Understanding ones inborn brain program in depth is crucial. The strengths which are taken for granted need to be developed while weaknesses can be worked on, strengthened or can be avoided. How a person processes information from the environment is called experience.  Experience helps learning to take place and helps one evolve into a wiser and mature individual or into one who is depressed and negative.  Thus knowledge about one’s brain program is thus an indicator of one’s core innate potential that forms the base of an individual. It is the program of the mind. Understanding the fingerprint patterns and correlating it to the brain helps understand human behavior much better.  This understanding helps one to master their innate ability and thereby reprogram it based on what is desired by the society to be successful. This is the path of eternal Happiness.

Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi

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