Man has been in existence since time immemorial and the one common phenomenon we can see is that man has survived overtime. The technique that each individual uses to survive may be unique just a person is designed uniquely. Hence we can conclude that man has been created to survive under any conditions and circumstance. The style varies depending on personal style, circumstances, situations and the support available.
The resilience that is shown is known to be individual specific and that depends on unique Inner Mind of a person. This Inner Mind has a tendency to record situations, conversations, episodes and store it in the memory for recall for later use. This is utilised again in several situations not only to survive but also for one to overcome hurdles and design ways to grow and develop.
The path to understanding oneself, applying to life situations and the world around oneself naturally will also bring about realisations from time to time at several cross roads in life, paving the way for firm resolutions and deeper realisations.
These realisations bring about reconnecting and rewiring inner strengths and weaknesses to be applied to the outside world in order to open out various avenues that can be newly explored or new avenues which can be strengthened to consolidate learnings and experiences. This paves the way for infinite avenues and infinite possibilities. But these learning, experiences and possibilities are unique to an individual.
When we compare the religious and spiritual philosophies around the globe we predominantly see the blatant stand-alone importance given to the spiritual essence by the ancient Indian and Buddhist philosophers and saints. The focus has been on Happiness, the midway path, Kindness, etc. whatever maybe the variances in the importance to various important aspects of spiritual realisation, it’s important to get to a more basic level of understanding.
All spiritual and religious seekers have to first find answers to the fundamental aspects of understanding existence. Why am I the way I am? What I have come to do? What am I doing about it? Why do I seem confused? Why do I feel I am a victim within myself? What do I want to control? Why am I questioning existence? What makes me happy? We soon realise that these questions pop up in our mind time and again at different phases in our life and we find several meanings and interpretations based on the scenario or situation that we are facing.
In today’s science driven society, the answers to the above questions, appear illusive. When we try to quantify it as the truth it appears as elusive or rather more elusive than before. The Inner Mind Map Model helps us find answers only because it reveals the unique interpretation each one of us make of the universal truth. The assessment by Mind Avenues reveal how we all create our own belief systems and interpretations which are not similar with the people around us. This forces us to agree that the environmental factors are not the trigger but it lies in the interpretations we make of it. The environmental triggers act as a catalyst in eliciting our innate tendencies which may be lying behind a mask or inhibitions.
The entire theory and philosophy of the Inner Mind has been the experiential world of Dr Damera, the co-founder of Mind Avenues and she relishes in trying to make the world experience her unique path of self-realisation. This maybe the subjective experience of her alone but she is now laying it open for the world to experience and relish it together with her. Since human experience is ultimate her world can definitely be made to make you experience it as your world too. This is based on the simple philosophy of first person perspective and in the truth that “You are the world and the world is you” and also “Salt in the bottle is similar to salt in the sea”. Her intentions are to make each and every one experience the truth that she has experienced. The truth that she has perceived have all been evidence based studies and is a trail that everyone needs to tread on.
Would you like to travel her path and experience your own learnings? Well do you want to know your own Inner Mind? It’s no big deal. Attempt the simple assessment questionnaire and know your analysis of your inner mind. It is the time to know yourself truly inside out. Contact us for more clarity and experience the benefits for life long.