Why are couples so different?

“It’s all about truly understanding the essence of your life. Become adept at building relationships.”


· Is marriage important?

Man is a social animal and prefer to live in groups. They find it difficult to live in isolation. The need for companionship and a sense of togetherness? There is a need to work as a team.

· Why are couples so different?

The husband and wife are endowed with a different set of genes acquired uniquely from both parents. This makes each spouse unique and different. They also come from a different environment and are nurtured differently.

· If a couple are so different how can they coexist?

Unity in diversity is the essence of marriage. A couple can be seen to be so different yet are able to live together in unity despite differences. This can happen only when one understands differences. Adjustments is inevitable. Both work towards common goals forgetting differences.

· Hence, do you think marriages can be worked on?

A couple needs to work on building space, boundaries, rules. They have to have mutual respect and give freedom and independence to each other. Both need to live parallel lives and be interdependent when needed.

What is marriage about?

  1. Marriage is about bonding and creating an environment as home and making a family with mutual cooperation.
  2. Home needs to be the pillar of strength.
  3. Marriage is about unity, individuality and happiness.

“Marriages are made in heaven! This is the fact of life but most people feel negative about their life partner and frequently find faults with their spouse is mainly because their spouse is not according to their expectations. In their endeavour to be happy and be in control of the relationship, they exercise control over their partner and land up in problems because of relationship challenges. egoism, communication, attitude etc., and all contribute to marital disharmony. At the end of the day most couples are left frustrated, disillusioned about life, in a blame game pattern, increased negativity etc. It is very important to know why are we made for each other and why did Destiny give you this life partner. It is then, when you look deeper, that you understand the significance of the marriage with your respective spouse. Looking at the objective analysis of marriage makes marital harmony possible not from personal point of view but one from objectivity.”

Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi derives pleasure in

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Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi helps build confidence, shows YOU how to come out of your shell and be bold enough to make YOU have what YOU want. She listens patiently to people’s challenges, assesses their capacities, and guides them on to their path of success. She carefully designs individualised programs which are intended to get YOU from where you are to where you want to be.

Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi

    PhD ( Psy ), PhD ( Edn )

Psychologist | Educationist | Success Strategist

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Dr. Damera Vijayalakshmi

helps build confidence, shows YOU how to come out of your shell and be bold enough to make YOU have what YOU want. 

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